Garchen Rinpoche is returning to DRC!


Our Kind Guru the 8th Garchen Rinpoche will be back to Rinchen Choling for three weeks. Aside from a closed retreat, he will bestow teaching on the 1st and the 3rd weekend. Tentative schedule as follow:
慈悲怙主 噶千仁波切將於三月底回到寶法林三週 除了中間的文殊閻魔敵閉關之外 公開的第一及第三週末有公開教授

3/22 (FRI)
Early evening talk by Rinpoche

3/23 (SAT)
Morning: Teaching by Lama Thupten Nima on Akshobhya

Afternoon: Rinpoche bestow empowerment on Akshobhya
噶千仁波切 不動佛灌頂

3/24 (SUN)
Teaching by Rinpoche: 4 Yogas of Mahamudra

3/28 (THU) - 4/3 (WED)
Yamantaka retreat (full, center closed to the public)
文殊閻魔敵閉關 (報名已滿 中心不對外開放)

4/5 (FRI)
Early evening talk by Rinpoche

4/6 (SAT)
Morning Teaching by Lama Thupten Nima (Three Wrathful Deities)
圖登尼瑪喇嘛教授 「憤怒三尊」

Afternoon empowerment by HEGR: Three Wrathful Deities (Hayagriva, Vajrapani, and Garuda)

4/7 (SUN)
Teaching by HEGR: 4 Yogas of Mahamudra


According to the “Sutra of the Buddha-land of Akshobhya”, many aeons ago a monk gave strong vows to practice and teach Dharma in the Eastern Land and not feel any anger or malice towards any sentient being until enlightenment. He proved to be unshakable in his determination and became Buddha Akshobhya. In the Akshobhya Sutra, the Buddha Shakyamuni himself extolled the patience of Akshobhya in actualizing his intention so powerfully that countless beings have been saved from the intense suffering of lower states of existence. It is said that people who are about to die will benefit great from hearing the Akshobhya mantra and prevent from falling into the lower realm.

The teaching will be based on Rinpoche’s root guru Khenpo Mensur’s writing on Akshobhya. This is a rare and auspicious opportunity.

據《阿閦佛國經》云,阿閦佛在成佛久遠之前,曾侍奉廣目如來,後萌發對眾生不生瞋恨的誓願,經過累劫的修行,即於東方妙喜世界成佛。即便為人所怨恨,也不退轉,不為嗔恚而動,是為「不動」。此佛對臨終即將墮入惡道者有大利益,其咒在臨終前讀誦將利益亡者。此次教授將以 噶千仁波切的根本上師- 堪布夢色仁波切所寫的不動佛教授為本,能在一日內得此父子傳承實屬難得!

The Three Wrathful Ones

The Three Wrathful Ones – Hayagriva, Vajrapani, and Garuda, known as the “Ta Chag Khyung Sum” – protect practitioners from the harm, obstacles and illnesses caused by malevolent spirits and naga-serpents. Hayagriva (Ta) is an emanation of Buddha’s speech, Vajrapani (Chag) of Buddha’s mind, and Garuda (Khyung) of Buddha’s body.

The teaching part will be based on the sadhna composed by the 7th Garchen Rinpoche. This is a rare teaching and auspicious opportunity to get the blessing from the 7th and 8th Garchen Rinpoche!

「馬鵬金剛手三忿合尊」是馬頭明王,大鵬金翅鳥,金剛手菩薩三尊合體本尊之名,藏語稱之為Ta Chag Khyung Sum。此修法之三尊合一灌頂、咒語持誦、及觀想修習專為保護行者免遭邪祟非人及惡龍所造傷害、障礙,及癲癇癌症等疾病。馬頭明王(Ta)為佛語之化現,金剛手菩薩(Chag)為佛意之化現,大鵬金翅鳥(Khyung)為佛身之化現。第七世噶千仁波切曾寫了此憤怒三尊的儀軌,參加此一日教授可得第7世及第8世 噶千仁波切加持,請把握機會!

Four Yogas of Mahamudra

The teaching on the Four Yogas of Mahamudra will be based on the writing composed by Lord Jigten Sungom, the Drikung Kagyu founder. Mahamudra is considered the highest practice in the Kagyu lineage. It delineates the 4 stages of attainment of Mahamudra. The stages of Four Yogas of Mahamudra include: One-pointedness, Non-projection, One Taste, and Non-meditation. This is a great opportunity to hear from Rinpoche’s view and accomplishment!

大手印所指的就是:「再無任何一法能在其上稱之為『大』;輪涅萬法皆不超越其範圍,稱之『手印』。」這不僅僅只是個修持的法門,自心的佛性即是「基位大手印」;開顯自心佛性的方法即是「道位大手印」;一般所指的大手印即是「道位」。 大手印四瑜珈有四級:專注、離戲、一味、無修。

以專注瑜珈入門,循序以進,修至離戲瑜珈,即能離一切分別與邊際,不住常斷一切之戲論,通達佛境,但尚未究竟也。唯依第一了義光明大手印之無修,而得任運安住於真心上者,即可脫輪迴之牢獄,而契入菩提。若僅能一刹那而如是定者,亦可燒盡無始所積之重罪。若能徹底明見自性(即真如,常住真心),即成佛道,決無疑也。故此光明大手印,誠為教乘中第一了義之最大明燈。本次 仁波切的教學將以吉天頌恭祖師所著為本,請勿錯過!